Health Organizer

Organize your health and the health of your loved ones


  1. How can I ask for support?
  2. How can I send my ideas to you?
  3. How can I help you?
  4. How can I build the program by myself?


  1. I don't know the postgres password. What can I do?
  2. I'm not able to create a new database. What can I do?
  3. How can I manually create a new database?
  4. Which are the default database connection parameters?
  5. How can I create a backup of my data?


  1. The window of the program or a window of the program does not appear and the program freezes. What can I do?


  1. How can I choose the program startup language?
  2. A translated text does not appear translated, why?

  1. General: How can I ask for support?

    The easier way is to send a mail to

    Make attention that your e-mails will be stored and be public available in our archive. If you are not confortable with this, you can create a new ticket (check Mark as Private if you want nobody, except us, see it).

    Please, check this page before to ask for support, because maybe your problem is already solved. Thank you.


  2. General: How can I send my ideas to you?

    Before to send Your ideas to us, please, check if they are already present inside the TODO.txt file.

    You can send your ideas creating a new ticket or sending a mail to the project's administrator. If you can, send it in English. If you have problem with the English language, send it in one of the other languages the program actually support. Thank you.


  3. General: How can I help you?

    You can help us in a lot of ways, i.e.:

    • translating the program in other languages
    • searching/storing the data we need (health data but also generic data like the parking positions and types of the hospital near you)
    • helping us to improve the program with your knowledge and experience
    • testing the preview versions
    • developing part of the program and/or fixing the errors
    • creating new icons and logos

    Start sending a mail to the project's administrator writing what you would like to do and your skills. If you can, send it in English. If you have problem with the English language, send it in one of the other languages the program actually support. Thank you.


  4. General: How can I build the program by myself?

    Take a look at the HowToCompile.txt file.



  1. Database: I don't know the postgres password. What can I do?

    If you are inside a company, please, ask to your system administrator.

    If you are in Windows, the password is the one you have used during the installation of PostgreSQL.

    If you are in Linux, a password should be not set for that user, but you can't use an empty password.

    The best is you try to manually create a new database (if you need the password for this reason) or you contact us for support.


  2. Database: I'm not able to create a new database. What can I do?

    The error message should tell you where the problem is.

    Common reasons are:

    • PostgreSQL is not running
    • you have typed wrong user name or password or server information (address and/or port)

    If you think everything is correct but you are not able to create the new database, please, try to manually create a new database.



  3. Database: How can I manually create a new database?

    First of all open a terminal and start psql according to your operating system:

    • Windows: psql --username postgres
    • Linux: sudo -u postgres psql

    Then type the following commands changing UserName, ThePassword and DatabaseName with the ones you want to use:

    • create database DatabaseName with owner = UserName ENCODING = 'UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT -1;
    • create database DatabaseName_defdata with owner = UserName ENCODING = 'UTF8' CONNECTION LIMIT -1;
    • \q

    NOTE: Where it is written "DatabaseName_defdata" you have to append _defdata to your database name without spaces.

    If everything was fine, you should be able to connect to the newly created database.

    If not, contact us for support.


  4. Database: Which are the default database connection parameters?
    PostgreSQL address localhost
    PostgreSQL tcp/ip port 5432
    Username hor
    Password the one you have used when you have created the database
    Database name healthorganizer


  5. Database: How can I create a backup of my data?

    Take a look at the following pages:



  1. Use: The window of the program or a window of the program does not appear and the program freezes. What can I do?

    Probably you have changed the screen resolution and, due to the program that stores the positions and sizes of the windows, the window appears, but outside the screen.

    Run, once, the program with the reset parameter to delete all the settings of the current user.

    I.e.: healthor --reset

    If the problem is not solved, ask for support.



  1. Translations: How can I choose the program startup language?

    The startup language should be recognised automatically by the program. If your operating system is in one of the current translated languages of Health Organizer but you don't see the program in the correct language, please, try to run ?-->Support-->Tools-->Startup language and if you are not able to solve it, contact us for support.

    Anyway, you can force the startup language by adding --lang LanguageID to the command line parameters where LanguageID is one of the following:

    en English
    fr_FR French
    it Italian
    pt_PT Portuguese

    i.e. healthor --lang fr_FR


  2. Translations: A translated text does not appear translated, why?

    First of all, please, try to change language. If in the other language that text is still not translated, probably there is something wrong in the translation engine. Ask for support in this case.

    If in the other language the text changes (it is translated):

    • the string could be really not translated (please, check it again)
    • the string contains, in the original text, some parameters like %s that in the translated text are missing
  3. If you still don't get a translation, please, ask for support.